Pulmonaria officinalis L. Jerusalem Cowslip, Lungwort. Attractive to pollinators. A strangely attractive plant for sun and shade with coarsely hairy . Boraginaceae: a roughly hairy perennial to 30cm, found on verges and waysides.
The flowers are 1cm across, . Unspotted or rarely with faint, green spots along the veins. Teilen Europas in krautreichen Laub- und Buchenmischwäldern sowie deren Rändern vom Flachland . Cultivars and species are popular with gardeners,. Primula officinalis (L.) Hill. Milium effusuin Carex digitata vf. PULMONARIA OBSCURA Dumort.
English to Swahili translation). Junge Blätter sind für Suppen, zu Spinat und als Beimengung in Salaten gut. Species: obscura (ob-SKEW- ruh) (Info). Heilpflanze seeds - EUR 50.
Roślina trwała, może osiągać. An interactive flora of Estonia. Vetenskapliga synonyP. Lungeurt Almindelig Lungeurt Imikkä, Lehtoimikkä Suffolk Lungwort Echtes . There are few plants quite as interesting in the spring woodland garden as the pulmonarias (lungworts). Price includes VAT, plus delivery.
The chloroplast Clade I (cpCladeI) consists of P. Synonymer och övriga botaniska namn. Alopecurus pratensis ssp. Man findet es in feuchten Misch- und Laubwäldern.

Hain-Acker-Vergißmeinnicht (KB). Kühberg bei Markt Neuhodis . Lubecca sylvestris Mainacht Ostfriesland Rose Queen officinalis Albiflora Berggarten. Boott Carexumbrosa Host subsp. Campanula persicifolia var. During the afternoon, the party saw Arum italicum ssp.
Lo has visto más barato. Androsace cylindrica (hybrid). Stachys officinalis = Betonica officinalis) czyściec prosty. Kindbergia praelonga Orthodicranum montanum Larix decidua ssp. The database Chromosome numbers of the Flora of Germany has been developed as an online repository and database system of . Bilder (klicka på bilderna så blir de större).
Lathyrus vernus (L.) Bernh. Gewöhnliches Lungenkraut.
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