An invaluable creeping evergreen for both ground-cover and the edges of borders, of spreading habit with deep glossy green leathery foliage. Procumbent selection with shiny green leaves in a tight, orderly pattern. Spring flowers are followed by clusters of orange-red fruits. This Pin was discovered by Brittney Hammond. Discover (and save) your own Pins on Pinterest.

A low growing evergreen shrub that makes excellent groundcover. White flowers are produced in . Creste sub forma de tufisuri bogate cu . Somewhat of an enigma in American gardening, willowleaf. Wildlife gardening, also called habitat gardening, generally refers to creating gardens with plant associations and vegetation communities that . Neprecenljiva, zimzelena pokrovna rastlina s globoko sijočimi in usnjatimi listi. Uspeva v večini tipov tal in razmer.
Poluzimzeleni žbun visine - 120cm. Listovi su izduženog oblika, tamno zeleni i sjajni, a u jesen mijenjaju boju u crveno-narandzastu. Cvjetovi su sitni i bijeli, . COTONEASTER SALICIFOLIUS GNOM - SKALNÍK VRBOLISTÝ.

Do vyprodání všech položek. CONSIDER SUPPORTING US WITH A QCD. Leonora Enking CC-BY-SA 2. For best plant in full sun, . Popis- Pomalu až středně rostoucí poléhavý keř. Listy jsou leskle zelené, s výraznou nervaturou, úzce kopinaté, . Den blomster i maj-juni med flotte hvide blomster, og senere kommer der røde bær. Rostlina se řadí do čeledi . Brunnen-Wasser-Garten-Funktion.
Prostrate, evergreen spreading shrub, sm. Lombja apró hosszúkás lándzsás (1-cm) . Die Kriechmispel Gnom ist ein Laubgehölz, das im Juni zahlreiche weiße und stark duftende Schirmblüten hervorbringt. Klik hier voor de nieuwe site. Nederlandse naaDwergmispel Familie : Rosaceae. Wij hebben helaas geen foto van deze plantensoort.

Model: Skalník vrbolistý. Zobacz w e-katalogroslin. This is a Rights Managed Image protected by Copyright. Poléhavý až polštářovitý, široký. Kategorie: Listnaté dřeviny.
Tvar: Kusů na podlaze: 5x18. Vaše cena: 3Kč s DPH. Arten regnes som hjemmehørende i Asia. Arbusto sempreverde della famiglia delle Rosaceae.
Portamento cespuglioso, strisciante, altezza . Cotoneaster Salicifolius Repens Gnom V(cotognastro).
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